|Scanning the Radio World by BRAD WILLIS Scanners have made the papers in the last couple of years with the revelation of Dianagate and Camillagate, and all the associated moral questions.It now seems safe to assume that whole affair was designed to undermine both the Royal Family and the scanning hobby in the UK.Neither of which seems to have been achieved. One thing is certain though, Scanner users are now labelled perverted eavesdroppers. Although it's illegal to listen to certain VHF and UHF frequencies it,s not illegal to buy a scanner. The best shops to find a scanner at a good price is ether Tandys or Maplins. Tandy tend to stock Realistic, which are good scanners both the hand-held and homebase ones. I have an Icom 7000 which is a heighened scanner, I also have a Realistic pro2006 that I manly use while on my amiga. I also have a hand-held scanner that I clip to my belt and with earphones use at work or in the car. I mainly listen to privet phone calls and the police, both of which are very interesting. I should at this point say I have no morals when it comes to listening to phone calls and baby monitors,yes that right baby monitors people buy baby monitors so they can hear if there child is awake or crying when the child is in bed and your in another room. The first unit is a small transmitter placed in the room with the child the next unit is a receiver which you keep with you, the receiver will only pick-up the transmission up to about one hundred yards, But a scanner can receive the transmission up to half a mile. A lot of these people don't switch the transmitter off at night, so in reality their bugging their own home. Most people with mobile phones know they can be heard by people with scanners but still read out their name,address and credit card number when buying over the phone or paying for a sex call or booking tickets, so if you own a mobile phone or a cordless home phone beware someone might be listening who will act on what they've heard. The police now class a scanner as a burglars tool, which if used right is. The law on scanners is some what unclear, if you are found using scanner with local police frequencies stored in memory, you can bet you'll get a big fine and your scanner will be confiscated. So always know where the memory wipe button is and watch out. Next is a list of frequencies that cover a good range of channels Start freq End freq 47.4000MHz 47.6000MHz Cordless phones for inhome use 48.4000MHz 48.5000MHz Cordless microphones TV use 49.8200MHz 49.9875MHz Walkie talkies & Baby monitors 70.5100MHz 71.5000MHz Fire brigades of England & Wales 75.3000MHz 76.7000MHz RAF & USAF police. Nationwide 76.7000MHz 76.9500MHz HM customs & BT 80.0000MHz 82.5000MHZ Fire brigades 85.0000MHz 86.3000MHz Taxis . AA . Waterboard +others 86.3000MHz 87.9700MHz Taxis GasBoard Council +others 152.0000MHz 156.0000MHz Police car radios 165.0000MHz 169.4000MHz Security .Taxis .+others 445.0000MHz 447.9875MHz Customs .Security . Transport 450.0000MHz 453.0000MHz Police walkie talkies Nationwide 917.0000MHz 935.0000MHz Mobile Telephones Here are some other things you can listen to at other frequencies Dog catchers, Buses, Army, Banks, Myr space station, Bin men,Soviet satellite Securicor, Ambulance, US secret service, Oil riggs, Airports, Trains, TV talkback Prison, Diplomatic protection channel, Airpolice, Postoffice, Doctors, Collages I'm still finding new channels all the time ,and it's great to listen to while on my computer. Although I've not heard anything like Dianagate I have heard some very interesting things, But thats another Word. End